Aquí os la dejo.
Template to design a
CLIL didactic unit
Subject:Science Teacher:IMS
Title of the Unit: Me and my senses Course
/ Level:4º EP
1. Learningoutcomes
/ Evaluationcriteria
- To identify the five senses and
their main organs
- To describe the main characteristics
of each sense.
- To explain the importance of how
senses provide information.
- To identify the main function of
each organ
2. Subject Content
3. Language Content / Communication
-Parts of the body, sense organs and their
functions (eyes:sight,nose:smell,skin:touch, ear:hearing, tongue:taste);
- a /an;
- Instruments (review)
- Adjectives to describe food and object
properties(ugly beautiful, good, bad, little, many, cold, hot)
- Action verbs: smell, hear,eat, eat,feel,
loud, like, want)
- It smells/tastes/looks/sounds/feels
like…;it is…
- I can/can´t; There is/are; I think…;Yes it
is/they are; No, it isn’t/they aren’t; We use…to…
Questions: What do you see? What kind of
things did you touch? What instrument sound in this? What sense are you
using? What kind of thing is you smell?
Reading, listening, speaking and writing.
4. Contextual (cultural) element
How to discover the world through the senses.
5. Cognitive (thinking) processes
Knowledge, comprehension, application,
analysis and evaluation
6. (a) Task(s)
The final task will consist of a set of
activities to make in groups; make a nonsense poem and a five senses quiz.
6. (b) Activities
- Development of lesson introduction:
*Speak about how senses help us perceive the
* Vocabulary:
This videos explain the main senses and their
main organs
- Sense detectives (in this activity, children have
to identify foods by using only one of the five senses.)
- Hearing(Involve the children in making a sound bingo
by recording different sounds in the school area and preparing several bingo
cards with pictures of the sound sources. Ask the children to identify
instrument sound and explore how to play them to make sounds (bang, pluck,
rattle, hit, scrape)
- Identification
- Taste( the children write in the pictures what
flavouris?sweet, sour, salty, bitter…
- Smell (How does it smell?The children to identify
pleasant or unpleasant smells of a picture)
Take care of our sense (page 25)
- Assessment
- All together (the children write a nonsense poem in groups,
matching word from the three columns showed ( this columns include subject,
verbs, objects and senses)
7. Methodology Organization and classdistribution / timing
10sesions of 45 minutes.
Individual, pairs or group depend on the
Resources / Materials
CDs, pc, musical instruments, food ítems, material
for games and photocopies, board, markers and mystery boxes.
Key Competences
lingüística, conocimiento e interacción con el medio, aprender a aprender,
8. Evaluation (criteria and instruments)
The children will:
- Identify the five senses and their
- Identify the main organs of five
- Model the main elements of each of
the main organs.
- Identify the main organs of senses.
- Create the nonsense poem.
Activities for assessment.
- Informal observations on children’s
comprehension and performance in class.
- self-assessment (with a test)
A first sample of this template has
been published at:
Torres, I. 2009. "Apuntes sobre los principios y características de la
metodología AICLE" en V. Pavón, J. Ávila (eds.), Aplicaciones didácticas
para la enseñanza integrada de lengua y contenidos. Sevilla: Consejería de
Educación de la Junta de Andalucía-Universidad de Córdoba.171-180.
It is mainly based on the hands-on
experience at designing units and on conversations with experts and peers. The
theory of the 4Cs by Do Coyle has also been taken into account. This theory has
been shown in various publications, such as: Coyle, D., Hood, P. and Marsh, D.,
2010. Content and Language Integrated Learning. Cambridge University Press.